Wherever We May Go: When a TCK Marries a TCK (Part II)
Every Third Culture Kid’s experience is different. Although it is easy for us to generalize and believe we all feel common sentiments, symptoms and memories, marrying a fellow TCK has taught me otherwise. In the same way, everyone’s marriage is […]
Picture Perfect: When a TCK Marries a TCK (Part I)
When I was a kid, I had a pretty clear picture in my head of what my future would look like. I would get married, and have a family, and live in a suburban home, like “normal” Americans did; just […]
U.S. society still struggles to accept diversity
In the wake of continued police violence, racial and cultural discrimination and acts of hatred in the United States, schools across the country have sought to create a more inclusive culture on campus. Colorado State University prides itself on its […]
Part II of III: Marriage equality around the world
Marriage equality politics plays a part around the whole world but more recently, some statements have come out about marriage equality politics surrounding the United States. “Do you know of any society, prior to the Netherlands in 2001, that permitted […]
VISUAL: The Real Cinco de Mayo
If you went up to someone having lunch and asked them what Cinco de Mayo meant, I am sure they would tell you it is Mexico’s independence day. Many people tend to believe it is about Mexico’s independence, when instead […]
Part 1: Be In The Know – Marriage Equality in America
The discrimination against marriage equality for identities that don’t fit the heteronormative script was rampant in the U.S many years ago. It wasn’t until the early 60s when activist groups started challenging these prejudice ideologies and policy changes became a […]
PART 1: VISUAL: Freedom to Marry – a Map of the United States
Of the 50 United States, 37 allow freedom to marry, while 13 have statutory bans on same-sex marriage.