Amsterdam Music Festival Brings EDM Fans Together From Around the World
The annual Amsterdam Music Festival calls for electronic dance music lovers all over the world to gather for this noteworthy event.
The Song of Our People: The Call to FIGT 2017
It’s that time again. I can hear the buzz, the excitement and the unbridled wishes for time to move forward a little more quickly. The Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference is coming around the corner, and the call to […]
Human Rights Cinema Part 1: The World’s First Human Rights Festival
Envision a collection of images quickly flashing before your eyes that is emotionally riveting, tear-inducing, action-inciting, and most of all, thought-provoking. Enter the world of human rights cinema. The New York Human Rights Watch International Film Festival in 1988 […]
The Amsterdam Experience
The Netherlands are a country stereotyped by it’s infamously known Red Light District, and its smoke-friendly coffeeshops in its capital city of Amsterdam. However, The Netherlands offers much more than just a good party. Chalked full of history, artwork, and beauty this country is […]
International Human Trafficking Prevention Taken to a New Level
Each year, 600,000-800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders. Approximately 80 percent are women and girls. Human trafficking is the second largest source of illegal income worldwide, exceeded only by drug trafficking. International organization Stop the Traffik […]
TCK Andrea Rodgers: Beauty, Grace and Philanthropy
Andrea Rodgers is the founder and creator of a website that gives readers a new outlook on what is going on in the world. The website,, focuses on connecting charities and philanthropic organizations with everyday life. The site is […]