cultural food
How To Make A Beautiful Meal That Will Be A Surefire Hit
This meal is from the hills of Tuscany. Panzanella is the perfect dish to serve in the summer. Moreover, it is easy to make, a good addition to any table.
Zhaojialou: A Taste of History at Every Turn
Social scholars consider food to be a cultural pillar, in part because it is idiocentric to societies worldwide. Food has been used to mark countries and peoples for generations. It follows, that in Zhaojialou, an ancient water town in Shanghai, China, local cuisine takes top billing among the regional treasures for travelers to explore.
VIDEO: CULTURScelebrates! the community kitchen, Theme – Kenya
CultursCELEBRATES! is a community kitchen and global gathering that celebrates the food and traditions of cultures around the world. We supplement our global gathering by creating an easy-to-follow kit that provides everything you need to throw your own cultural-themed celebration […]