International Traveler
Traveling Overseas To Do Something You Love And Adapting To The Local Food
When traveling to foreign places, one of the things that sticks out is how different the food is, especially depending on where you are.
PROOF: Media for Social Justice, A Human Rights Photo Editor’s Legacy
PROOF: MEDIA FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE “In a way they are activists because the work they’re doing is very dangerous. I believe they’re very brave and very courageous in the work that they do, even though their role is not to […]
Scottish Cupcakes? Now You’re Talking My Language!
If you are visiting Scotland, whether it be for business or pleasure there are a few things you don’t want to miss. You must visit the Scottish Highlands to get a possible glimpse of Nessie, the supposed Loch Ness […]
Surprise TCK: Recording Artist Nicki Minaj
Indian Afro-Trinidadian Goddess Although the world may know her as Nicki Minaj – an artist the New York Times refers to as “the most influential female rapper of all time,” what most people don’t know, is how Minaj came to […]