Postcards from the 48% – part 1 of 3
In the film — “Postcards from the 48%” a new documentary directed by David Wilkinson vividly portrayed the “Remainers’s” side of the Brexit issue. It was an extraordinarily moving political documentary that allowed ordinary people affected by Brexit to tell their stories regarding the […]
Nigerian art connects culture and politics
Oct. 1, 2017, marked the last day of the “Not Nasty, But Feisty” art exhibition at the Alfa Art Gallery in New Brunswick, New Jersey. This show features six Nigerian artists based out of the United States and celebrates Nigeria’s […]
Part II of III: Marriage equality around the world
Marriage equality politics plays a part around the whole world but more recently, some statements have come out about marriage equality politics surrounding the United States. “Do you know of any society, prior to the Netherlands in 2001, that permitted […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 3 of 3) Responses to the Party
Alternative for Germany (AfD) faces stark resistance from numerous protesters and from Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been regarded as the most powerful woman in the world. Embed from Getty Images Merkel has been Germany’s chancellor since […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 2 of 3) What Do They Want?
Frauke Petry, chairwoman of Alternative for Germany (AfD), cites Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany as sparking the AfD. “AfD is a child of Merkel’s politics,” Petry said in a Telegraph article. “That […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 1 of 3) Who Are They?
Embed from Getty Images Amongst economic and foreign policy concerns, a flux of immigrants is colliding with rigid cultural and nationalistic societies in Germany and across Europe. Right-wing populist parties seek to overturn multiculturalism and liberal democracy in order […]
The Impact of Immigration in the U.S.
Immigration has been a controversial subject in America long before Donald Trump brought it back to the fore-front, but none the less he has brought it back, and it’s something that deserves talking about. With immigration and the U.S. the […]
5 Reasons Sonia Gandhi is one of The World’s Most Inspirational Women
Sonia Gandhi currently holds one of the most powerful positions in Indian politics today. She holds one of the highest positions of power in a male-dominant government. For the past ten years, she has served as president of the Indian […]