Sonia Gandhi currently holds one of the most powerful positions in Indian politics today. She holds one of the highest positions of power in a male-dominant government. For the past ten years, she has served as president of the Indian National Congress, giving her a strong political voice. Over the course of her now decade-long presidency, she has become one of the most inspirational females in power today. Here are a few reasons why.

Photo by Ricardo Stuckert/PR Agência Brasil Wikimedia Commons
- She remains in power despite controversy
Sonia Gandhi was born in the small town of Orbassano Italy and faced large controversy over her involvement in politics in India due to her foreign birth. She married into one of India’s most powerful Dynasties after meeting her husband while attending school in the United Kingdom. A few years after the assassination of her husband and mother-in-law, Gandhi stepped into one of the most powerful positions in Indian politics despite her foreign descent.
- She views her service as her duty
Gandhi has been noted as not being too fond of her positions of power. When initially asked to into politics, she denied. It wasn’t until 1998 that she became involved. In a 2004 interview, she said that she continues in politics, because feels a sense of duty to her deceased family and country.
- She is a leader in one of the most populated countries in the world
Not only does Gandhi hold a position of great political power, but also does so in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. As an advocate for many social issues, including women’s rights, she often faces strong opposition in a country that strongly values old traditions. But, she continues to use her voice for social advocacy and is heard by millions.
- She is actively working to give women a voice in politics
Gandhi currently pushes to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill in India. The bill gives a 33 percent reservation to women in parliament and state assemblies. She pushes for more women to take power in local government.
- She is working to end violence against women
Historically, crimes against women in India have been staggeringly high and have recently been rising. In a country that is known to ignore such crimes, Gandhi encourages government action. She states that, in order to eliminate such crimes, they must take the correct course of action, instead of just passing laws. She believes women deserve a position of equality in each household and sees the prominent discrimination as unjust. She recognizes the great challenge in overcoming such discrimination, but sees it as a vital to the safety of many in India.

Photo courtesy of: U.S. Embassy New Delhi
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