The Power of Multicultural Stories As Seen Through Videography
Stories are vital to constructing culture, connection and communication. With growing technologies, it’s easier than ever to spread stories through a visual medium developed through videography. STORIES DEVELOP THROUGH INTERACTIONS Stories are history, and throughout history, cultures and experiences have […]
Representing Identities and Promoting Sensitivity in Stories
Before we even learned to read or write, humanity loved telling stories. We wanted to be together with our loved ones, gathered around a fire, spinning fantastical tales. We wanted to connect, to teach and understand one another. As we […]
What Happens When Two TCKs Fall in Love – part 3 of 3
Cassidy Grant and Dylan Hickcox are a nomadic couple who have been traveling the world together since they were 17-years-old. I got a chance to FaceTime in and talk to Grant and Hickcox while they relaxed at home in Bakersfield, […]
Omo and Eulanda bring the world (and a bit of themselves) to the blogosphere
Omo and Eulanda Osagiede take readers on intimate adventures through countries around the world with their travel blog Hey! Dip Your Toes In. Through the art of storytelling, the couple introduces readers to delectable foreign cuisine, interesting national histories, incredible […]
Cultural differences between Spain and the U.S.
I grew up in a small beach town outside Barcelona, Spain (or Barcelona, Catalonia, now that Catalonia is demanding their right to vote and secede from Spain, becoming their own country). My childhood memories include a lot of hot summer […]
Humans of New York: A daily glimpse inside a stranger’s life
There are hundreds of websites that have grown into viral sensations over the years, but none with the same unique concept as the blog “Humans of New York.” Humans of New York is a visual blog that features a daily […]