Olivia Charlet
How do you react as a TCK?
Lived outside your passport country growing up? You’re a Third Culture Kid (TCK), and it’s a must that you read Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, a fantastic book written by Ruth Van Reken and David Pollock. They argue that […]
How you can conquer that TCK restlessness
As an adult Third Culture Kid, I used to always think and say to others: I get restless. I get bored easily. I need things to constantly be changing around me. I always thought it was logical: I’d lived in […]
TCKs, You Have the Love Life you Want
Today, I thought I’d tell you a little about how I started creating my love life. I remember watching a movie where the main character, the girl in the movie, had what most people would consider an insignificant love life. She […]
RELATIONSHIPS: What makes you really happy?
What do you think makes you happier? Is it going on a date? Spending time relaxing on your couch watching Netflix alone? Or meeting friends for brunch on a Saturday? Well, Dr. Matthew Killingsworth aimed to find out just that. He […]
RELATIONSHIPS: Tell me your Insecurities…
Now, I don’t know about you – but if a stranger said that to me, I’d cringe. I think it’s safe to say the majority of us have some insecurities. They can be large or small, many or few. It doesn’t […]
RELATIONSHIPS: Breakups and your self-concept
There’s no doubt about it. A bad break up can feel incredibly painful and can make you question everything about yourself. It seems that a number of research studies have focused on how the dissolution of a relationship changes the way […]
Five of the Most-Asked Relationship Questions
Daphna Levy is a relationship expert who has spent years guiding others through coaching, workshops and seminars. This experience and her studies helped her write the book “Picking Right, The Single’s Guide to Finding the Right Match”. After reading and reviewing her […]
The Single’s Guide To Finding The Right Match – Book Review
When I picked up (pun not intended) Daphna Levy’s “Picking Right”, I expected to discover a book about how to find the right match. What I found was much more. “Picking Right” shares the crucial ingredients necessary for a healthy […]