Culturs TV: An inside look behind the camera
Welcome. Here at Culturs, our TV program becomes a space for culturally diverse individuals to share their stories in an…
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Focus on people who are beautifully blended with more than one race, whether within themselves or family.
Welcome. Here at Culturs, our TV program becomes a space for culturally diverse individuals to share their stories in an…
No matter what country I was living in while growing up, there was one television show that was constant…
On July 9th, 2012, my life changed forever. My family welcomed my beautiful baby brother through an open, transracial adoption….
As long as we can remember, women have been held to what some consider impossible beauty standards. Media helps ingrain…
Cultural mobility was all over the 2015 Oscars, with more than 100 countries in 24 time zones watching around the…
As they say in Trini, it’s ” Fantastic Friday,” the Friday before the hype of Carnival. Over the past few…
Sports are filled with excitement, competition, and controversy. We love to discuss all the great things that happen within the…
My first big move “Mom, when are we going home?” My older sister asked a few days after our birthday…
Is perfection something that can be summed up in one image? Marius Vibe sure thinks so. Vibe, a Norwegian artist,…
The state of Hawaii is one of the most racially diverse places in the world. There are more people with…
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