Top experts and researchers in the globally mobile community will be headlining this year’s Families in Global Transition Conference to be held March 8-10, 2018 at the World Trade Center in The Hague, the Netherlands.
The three prominent keynote speakers will share their varied experience and expertise on the conference theme
of “Diverse voices celebrating the past, present and future of globally mobile lives.”
Robin Pascoe is known as ‘The Expat Expert’ and has written no less than seven books on living abroad. Pascoe’s topics all relate to global living, and are invaluable insights into repatriating as a spouse, dealing with culture shock, and practical ways for wives and parents to deal with the challenges of adapting to a nomadic life. In her keynote address, she will re-examine the meaning of the words “families” in “global” “transition” in the context of diversity and relocation in the 21st century. And, using her trademark humor, she will share her stories of the past 20 years and her vision for the next.
Actor and singer Sean Ghazi will be sure to offer gripping insights from the stage with stories of his travels, career, accolades, and his international lifestyle. Born to a Malaysian father and Singaporean mother, Ghazi is a true third culture kid (TCK). Sean desired to become a Hollywood actor, but his challenge in Hollywood was with the industry struggling to know how to cast him in suitable roles – they simply didn’t know who Malaysians were and encouraged him to audition with Hispanic actors. Ghazi will share his wide global experience and his trials of finding out how to belong.
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, a British businessman, has an impressive and extensive international resume, many of those years working for the Shell Corporation. He is the author of “Responsible Leadership – Lessons from the Front Line of Sustainability and Ethics.” With his long-term experience as an expat who has lived all over the world, Sir Mark will be analyzing and offering his insights on “Fifty Years of Change in Expatriation.”In addition to the three keynotes, the three-day event and anniversary celebration will be packed with a number of round-table discussions and forums. These sessions will analyze the past twenty years of our understanding of globally mobile lives and continue to build bridges in our mission to encourage tolerance and embrace
“We need a new paradigm to take advantage of diversity” | Fons Trompenaars
Watch Fons’ video above to find out why FIGT represents “The NEW diversity.”
FIGT provides members with information and resources, ranging from webinars, updates on issues relating to the globally mobile, and the opportunity to develop and connect with networks of like-minded people. FIGT also shares research on themes critical to globally mobile families such as identity and belonging. The volunteer-run, not-for-profit also fosters and promotes cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world. To learn more about FIGT and to register for the Annual Conference, please visit