Friday, February 14 2025

Theatre-goers get a taste of England each time Dr. Prince yells “action.”


Photo courtesy of Eric Prince

Dr. Eric Prince has directed many plays at Colorado State University’s University Center of the Arts. He has created everything from abstract experimental work by Samuel Beckett to writing his own “Alice in Wonderland” play based off the original novel.

Alice in Wonderland at Colorado State University

Photo courtesy of Siobhan Gleason

Kate Lewis stars as Alice in Prince’s take on “Alice in Wonderland.

Dr. Prince is from Liverpool, England.  As a young man he received his training in Coventry, England.

He has directed all over the world, including: England, Scotland, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Russia, Italy, and various states in the United States, like Kansas, Ohio, California, Wyoming, New England, Texas, Oregon, Washington D.C. and Washington State

He has seen first hand the differences in culture and how it affects the world of theatre. Dr. Prince said “Theatre is more diverse and prolific in the UK, and far more influenced by European traditions of innovation and cross cultural experimentation. [T]he U.S. theatre is still in thrall to so-called  ‘realism’  and the movie industry.  Theatre in the United Kingdom seems to appeal to younger audiences…”

According to Dr. Prince, “We are all products of our home culture, shaped by the forces of society, the family and other social influences. It is important though for any director to be honest about their own motives as well as being open to change and self-reinvention.”

Dr. Prince is from Liverpool, England.  As a young man he received his training in Coventry, England.

He has directed all over the world, including: England, Scotland, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Russia, Italy, and various states in the United States, like Kansas, Ohio, California, Wyoming, New England, Texas, Oregon, Washington D.C. and Washington State

A student of his at Colorado State University, Kate Lewis, took center stage in last Spring’s “Alice in Wonderland.” She said, “Culture allows us to see different stories through diverse lenses. We can think and feel in new ways based on the culture’s values.”

Dr. Prince shared a bit of advice with the young actress. “[K]eep trying new ways of achieving [your] objectives. Culture allows us to see different stories through diverse lenses. We can think and feel in new ways based on the culture’s values.”

The costume designer for Dr. Prince’s show “Alice in Wonderland,” Siobhan Gleason said, “Prince and I obviously traveled different roads…it provide[s] a window that you might not have looked through. different perspectives keep a design fresh.”

When asked what he would change in American theatre, Dr. Prince said, “National and State funding from the public purse to transform theatre and to help it spread far and wide, especially money for small experimental and alternative companies.”

Dr. Prince said, “My style varies significantly in relation to the material and the context,  e.g. My work on Beckett is very purist and faithful to the author’s intentions, as opposed say to totally devised collaborative work in improvisation which I often delivered in the U.K. I try to be very supportive of my actors and to keep an open mind throughout the rehearsal process.”


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About Author

Taylor Aguilar

Taylor is a student at Colorado State University. She is a double major in Theatre and Journalism & Technical Communications. Colorado is her home state. She has a heart for traveling around the world. Her biggest aspiration is to direct and create films that show the beauty and realness of the world.

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