The Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine: Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams on Being a Genetic Counselor (VIDEO)
This video episode of the Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine features genetic counselor Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams.
The Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine: Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams on Being a Genetic Counselor (AUDIO)
This audio episode of the Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine features genetic counselor Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams.
Family Genetic Secrets Revealed: Who Am I Now?
In the early summer of 2018, I received my highly anticipated results from a home genetic testing kit purchased through I became very excited and couldn’t wait to see my results. From a very young age, I would hear […]
How Your Genes Impact The Way You Sleep, Gain/Lose Weight And More
Your genes can have an incredible influence on the quality of your sleep, whether you gain or lose weight easily, the feelings that dominate your emotions, even the way you parent your kids. Kashif Khan is Chief Executive Officer and […]