Friday, February 7 2025

This video episode of the Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine features genetic counselor Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams.

Kirkpatrick Williams talks about how she became a genetic counselor and how she helps people both find their biological parents as well as deal with finding out the people they thought were their biological parents aren’t actually their biological parents.

“There are many different people impacted by one person’s conception,” she says. “And everybody needs support because you can’t support the person in the middle if you aren’t understanding everyone around them and the type of experience that they’re having.”

In working with people who have been adopted, Kirkpatrick Williams has also worked with adoptive parents. She has witnessed a lot of similar experiences and emotions and some that are very different.

“What I’ve learned with working with people on all different sides is that finding your community and other people who understand is the number one most important thing,” she says, “followed by working with a counselor, a therapist, or a coach when the time is right for that person. And understanding that Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

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Check out the video below.


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Destinations with Doni

Welcome to the DESTINATIONS PODCAST: Where we Explore your Cultural Passions so you can embrace your cultural identity as we bring you tools to Live in Full Color. Destinations with Doni Segments include: Destination home—or CultursCASA Destination cuisine-Including CultursCELEBRATIONS! Destination community—Cultures. Connection with others, and Negra Como Soy (I am Afro-Latina) segments Destination relationships—Including self-care Destination passion — Business

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