Liminal Identity Through the Eyes of a Tween: Part 3
In this final segment interviewing Kameron McMillion, Culturs TV will wrap up the discussion about McMillion’s articles and what exactly inspires her to write about culture. McMillion said her column title, “Kam’s Eye-View,” was chosen to represent how her articles […]
Liminal Identity Through the Eyes of a Tween: Part 2
In the second part of this three-part series interviewing tween expert, Kameron McMillion, who writes for Culturs Magazine, Culturs TV will continue to talk with McMillion about her articles that focus on various cultures. One article McMillion wrote about detailed aspects […]
Liminal Identity through the Eyes of a Tween: Part 1
Culturs TV interviewed one its very own Culturs Magazine columnists, Kameron McMillion. An expert on tween experiences on liminal identities, she shared some of her experiences with of us. The “Aqiqah Experience” is one of the topics she writes about […]
Photography Series perfectly visualizes being in-between identity
The liminal, or in-between identity, experience Photographer Sue Stevenson didn’t mean to evoke emotion for in-between identity, but she has. In visualizing what she considers crisis in mid-life, the images also convey what some may describe as the feeling of […]
CULTURStv: ‘Being Gray:’ A liminal identity explored through art: Part 3
Culturs TV continues with the final segment of a three-part series in meeting with Grace Stamps to discuss her artwork and how she feels it has created a space for discovering identity. Stamps says by using her paintings to explore […]
CULTURStv: ‘Being Gray:’ A liminal identity explored through art: Part 2
Culturs TV continues with the second part of a three-part series in a conversation with Grace Stamps on her artwork that uncovers what she feels is her own created identity. This way of defining identity is extremely relevant to Culturs […]
CULTURStv: ‘Being Gray:’ A liminal identity explored through art: Part 1
Culturs TV sits down to talk with Grace Stamps, a multicultural artist that gets her inspiration for her pieces from her struggle to truly discover her identity. Self-identifying as black, Stamps has African American, Caucasian, and Native American racial backgrounds. […]