London, a Global Nomad’s Dream Destination
Explore this city’s history and culture As the English writer Samuel Johnson once said: “Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is […]
Cuba’s World View Part II of III: Looking To The Future
With the end of the Cuban embargo, the retirement of Raul Castro and the removal of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, a lot changes are happening in Cuba. People around the world seem to be asking […]
Holland’s Most Colorful Attraction
Spring has officially sprung! March 20 marked the beginning of the most colorful season that is seen throughout the world: spring. The sun shines warmer and longer, people venture outdoors more and the world begins to awake in front of […]
5 Tips For A Better Flight Experience
When it comes to traveling one of the most loved, and also most dreaded, parts is the flight to your destination. This is the time when you’re fidgeting in your seat from the anticipation of finally getting to experience and […]