World War II
A New Anthology Of Japanese American Incarceration Stories During World War II Is Out
While some may be familiar with Terie Miyamoto or TV and movie star George Takei and their background as internees or descendants of internees at U.S. concentration camps for Japanese Americans during World War II, theirs are not the only voices to talk about the experience.
Terie Miyamoto’s Spiritual Journey To Honor Her Family At The Ireichō
When growing up, Terie Miyamoto would hear her older relatives talk about something that happened while they were at “Camp” and assume they meant a summer or sleepaway camp. It wasn’t until Miyamoto was much older that she learned the […]
Emigrating From Germany to the U.S. After World War II — Part 2 of 3
(Trigger/Content Warning: This series talks about the effects of Nazism in Germany and war.) In Part 2 of this series, Casey Stine writes about his grandfather Hans and his experiences as a prisoner of war in Germany. Growing up as […]
Emigrating From Germany to the United States After World War II — Part 1 of 3
(Trigger/Content Warning: This series talks about the effects of Nazism in Germany and war.) When looking back in history, one of the hardest times the human race has faced so far is both world wars, especially the atrocities committed during […]
Lest We Forget: U.S. History and Immigration
How Right Was George Santayana? Spanish Philosopher—George Santayana said, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Children separated from parents and housed in enclosures intended for animals. No, the era is not 2018—it was 1942 […]