Oktoberfest: Germany vs. United States
Oktoberfest is an annual German tradition that aims to celebrate their culture. There are so many factors that go into creating this cultural experience; for instance, clothing, beverages, food, music, et cetera. People of German descent live all around the […]
Pop Star Shakira is Devoted to her cross cultural origins
America is well known for their go-to, cookie cutter pop music. It’s rare to find an international star that stays true to their roots as they grow in fame. However, Shakira is clearly very passionate about her culture and where […]
Latin Music Leaking Into American Culture
America has always been known for its loud pop music with a techno style beat. Any international musician who wants to make it big knows Hollywood is the place to be. More recently Latin music has made its way into […]
Introducing TCK, Michelle Thomas
Military B.R.A.T. Michelle Thomas has lived quite the eccentric life. She has travelled the world, developed a sense of self and started a family. She has managed to bring an immense amount of culture into her life as well as […]
Series – Part 3 of 3: CCK Julie Sanchez on Raising Multi-racial Kids
As we end our three-part series, we are going to take an inside look at the life of growing up as a mixed-race child. Julie Sanchez’s daughter went through a rough patch during her adolescent years, and she shares with […]
How Tayo Rockson Uses TCK-ness to Uncover Identity
We learned so much from Adele Johnson in our previous article. She was open about her life and where she is now. Our next subject in the series is someone who has taken cultural experiences to a whole new level. […]
TCK Adele Johnson’s Cross-Cultural Adventure
In a three-part series of interviews with third-culture kids (TCKs) and cross-culture kids (CCKs), we will learn about the upbringing of TCKs, making a life after many cultural experiences and raising of mixed-race children. In part one of our series, […]
Introducing TCK Myra Dumapias
Second-generation third-culture-kid (TCK) Myra Dumapias freezes up a bit when asked the basic question: “Where are you from?” What is she supposed to tell people? Though she now lives in San Antonio, Texas, should she list off every country she’s lived in to every […]