Sports & Fitness
5 Reasons College Basketball Athletes Shouldn’t Go Pro (or at least not yet)
As a ball player, you eat, sleep, and dream basketball. It is every young players dream to make it to the league. But if they must go through elementary ball, high school and club ball, why are they not required […]
Soccer, America, and the Fight for Attention
Soccer, America, and the Fight For Attention Why America can’t seem to care about Major League Soccer Being from Kansas City, in the U.S., I am no stranger to sports. I was probably born doing the “Chiefs Chop” and chanting, […]
2015 Redbull Air Race features pilots from around the world
The Redbull Air Race World Championship circuit features pilots from around the world. This weekend, the season kicked off with the race’s leg in Abu Dhabi. The pilots hailed from many different locations around the world, ranging from the United […]
Rainbow Hot Springs: An Undiscovered Colorado Sanctuary
Rainbow Hot Springs is a relatively unknown area located north of Pagosa Springs in the Colorado Mountains of the central U.S. So unknown, in fact, that descriptions of the hike all vary. Hikers are attracted by the isolated hot springs […]
5 Racial Controversies Within Professional Sports
Sports are filled with excitement, competition, and controversy. We love to discuss all the great things that happen within the game, but after all it is just a game. Often times, the controversy that come with the excitement is more […]
Africa Yoga Project: Changing lives through the practice of yoga
The Africa Yoga Project’s vision is to inspire and empower individuals through the restoring practice of yoga. The Kenyan organization’s 98 trained and dedicated yoga instructors hold 350 classes a week in prisons, schools, rural villages, HIV/AIDS support groups, special-accommodation centers […]
Q&A: Finding Serenity Among Chaos in Sports
Although I’ve never partaken in the sport, I’ve always been fascinated by the cultural aspect of soccer. It is a sport that has the power to unite a group of people while evoking a great amount of passion. I wanted […]
FIFA under scrutiny
Controversy in sport has plagued every major sports league. The National Football League and the illegal videotaping of games formerly known as spygate, the numerous allegations of performing enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball, and personal issues that took Tiger […]