Friday, February 14 2025

Depression is a devastating disease, affecting people of all ages. This serious condition causes changes in both hormone levels and brain chemistry which includes genetics, and other medical conditions A few causes of depression include, but are not limited to: the social pressures associated with being LGBTQ; mental health disorders such as anxiety, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder; alcohol or drug abuse, and serious or chronic illness such as cancer, a stroke, chronic pain or heart disease.

While depression is often undermined by society, it is a crucial issue to consider, as it is one of the most disabling and debilitating disorders in the world. Studies have shown a multitude of crippling side effects caused by depression. While anti-depression medications work for some, there are other options available for these people so they can defeat depression to feel happy and healthy again.

Interpersonal psychotherapy is an effective alternative to medication for those battling depression. It has proven to be beneficial to a depressed person’s social relationships and greatly improve interpersonal skills. When this form of therapy is utilized consistently reduces stress, prevents relapse and this is just of the many alternative options depressed people have on their journey to a healthy, happy life. Any history of depression among family members is an important factor to explore as your life progresses and stresses inevitably increase. Knowing your family health background and being aware of possible genetic influence on your health can help you combat the effects of depression more effectively.

Symptoms to be aware of include: thoughts, or behaviors that are either explicitly or implicitly related to suicide, physical problems that are severely effecting one’s happiness, drastic changes in mood, isolation, or lack of desire to do activities a person once enjoyed. Everyone experiences these thoughts on occasion, but if these thought continue for long periods of time, it may be a form of depression. If any of these symptoms occur for longer than two weeks and influence a person’s everyday life should consult a psychologist as soon as possible.


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About Author

Allison Perkins

Allison Perkins has been interested in travel and people from all over the world ever since she found a passion for learning and understanding those different from herself. She hopes to expand my learning and passion for travel by writing and working with people to collaborate and tell others peoples stories.

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