Allison Perkins
The TCK Experiences of Sam Otter
Meet Sam Otter, a Third Culture Kid who grew up all over Europe and the United States before going to college. College was the first time Otter was able to stay in one place and create a sense of home, belonging, and quality […]
Depression: Contributing factors and prevention
Depression is a devastating disease, affecting people of all ages. This serious condition causes changes in both hormone levels and brain chemistry which includes genetics, and other medical conditions A few causes of depression include, but are not limited to: […]
Priyonka Chopra: Life advocacy and influence part two
The previous article about Priyanka Chopra focused mainly on her commitment to change the way society looks at a variety of social issues. A big part of what seeded this drive to change the lives of others and taking risks […]
Celebrating new years and traditions around the globe
The New Year is a celebration for most countries all around the world. Traveling for new years and learning about all of the different kinds of traditions that this planet has to offer is one way to see the world […]
Meaningful Must-sees before you turn 30
When planning your most adventurous trip around the globe in your twenties, there are some places around this beautiful world that we live that in, that are must-sees. For those who love immersing oneself in the cultures and allowing experience […]
Priyonka Chopra: Life advocacy and influence part one
Growing up as a third culture kid (TCK) enhances one’s cultural awareness, in addition to providing one with unique experiences and opportunities. A TCK is a person who is raised in a culture other than their parents, an example being […]
Children’s well-being and the importance of cultural diversity
Embed from Getty Images Diversity, is an issue that comes up among all types or families and their children. Although it can be both a struggle, it can also be an important aspect for growth. “When children do not fully […]
The journey to understanding ones identity: “The Road Home”
“Indian!” “Indian!” the kids shouted at him in Hindi as he stood in frustration trying to understand why this was happening. As a young kid, Pico grew up with many challenges, and as a third culture kid he lived in […]