Saturday, January 25 2025

With the upcoming Easter holiday, here are five traditions that are associated with Easter in Argentina. Inspired by the Argentinean heritage of Pope Francis, maybe these traditions are even some of Pope Francis’ favorites!

The Holy Trek

Cristo de Monte Calvario, Tandi, Argentina (Image via Wikimedia Commons)
Cristo de Monte Calvario, Tandi, Argentina (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Each Easter season, there is a pilgrimage to the City of Tandil.

With a replica of Christ on the Cross as a site of attraction, the City of Tandil attracts many religious visitors each year.

Monte Calvario (Mount Calvary) contains 14 depictions of the Cross, ending with a rendition of Christ crucified on the Cross.  

This Replica of Christ exactly matches an image in the French district of Brittany.

Good Friday, Good Fish for Easter

Image from www.flickr.com.

Known as Viernes Santo in Argentina, Good Friday is celebrated with a traditional Argentinean dish called Bacalao (Salted Cod). Bacalao is traditionally served in the form of a stew.

In observance of the 40-day long Lenten period, Argentineans will eliminate meats from their diets.

On Viernes Santo, fish is served as an alternative to red meat.

The Easter Asado

Asado/Steak (Image via Pixabay)
Asado (Image via Pixabay)

With the Lenten period coming to an end, Argentineans often celebrate Easter Sunday with an asado, or traditional Argentine barbecue.  On this day, they will traditionally serve a meal of red meat and it is common for this meat to be lamb.

The Sweetness of Rosca de Pascua

Rosca de Pascua
(Image via www.flickr.com)

After a savory meal of lamb or meat, dessert is served! A traditional Argentine dessert is called Rosca de Pascua.  

This dessert is traditionally in the shape of a ring. The ring symbolizes eternal life and ties into the meaning of the Easter holiday.

This dessert is a sweet cake and is often topped with pastry cream, cherries and powdered sugar. Delish!

Hollow eggs full of surprises

One fun Argentinean tradition is the exchange of Huevos de Pascua, also known as Kinder eggs.  

These eggs are hollow chocolate eggs traditionally filled with candies or small toys.  The exchange typically occurs between anyone of significance in your life — family members, friends, colleagues.

Though they be hollow, they are full of sweet surprises!

Kinder Eggs (Image via Unsplash)
Kinder Eggs (Image via Unsplash)

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