Taboo Easter Celebrations Around the World
For those around that celebrate the Christian holiday of Easter, this time of year is especially significant for renewal and fresh beginnings. The holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, a significant figure in the Bible and the Christian religion, who […]
Five Traditions for Easter in Argentina
With the upcoming Easter holiday, here are five traditions that are associated with Easter in Argentina. Inspired by the Argentinean heritage of Pope Francis, maybe these traditions are even some of Pope Francis’ favorites! The Holy Trek Each Easter season, […]
Celebrating The Beginning Of Spring: The Vernal Equinox
Warm weather, sunny skies, birds chirping and flowers in bloom; spring has finally sprung! However March 20, 2016, marks the beginning of more than just the spring season; it’s the celebration of the Spring, March, Equinox. The March Equinox is […]
VISUAL: Religious holidays of April
This inforgraphic shows holidays in April from three of the major religions around the globe. Christian holidays include Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Palm Sunday and Easter, all occurring in the early days of the month. The major Jewish […]
Easter in Italy: Buona Pasqua!
It seems that after Christmas people around the world are constantly celebrating all sorts of different holidays. With the passing of St. Patrick’s Day and the beginning of spring, the next holiday that is celebrated throughout the world is Easter! […]