Saturday, January 25 2025

This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from one of the five walking bridges in San Diego, California, where Culturs expert Donna Eden demonstrates the “Darth Vader Breath,” which is designed to bring stability to your energies.

Breathing to relax

There may be times when you feel panicked or anxious. A simple breathing technique can help bring you back “in” to your center, as Donna demonstrates in this video.

To begin, Donna asks you to exhale deeply. When you are ready to inhale, close off the front of your throat so only the back of the throat is open to bring air up from the lungs.

‘Catching’ your breath

On the inhale, Donna asks you to “catch” your breath, creating a Darth Vader-like sound. Do this for as long as you can. When you are ready, exhale in the same fashion — “catching” the breath in the back of the throat. Again, do this for as long as you are comfortable.

By doing this technique, you will bring oxygen up through the chakras and back down, allowing each of the main chakras to be “bathed” in fresh energy. This technique will help you feel more stable, aligned and centered.

Donna Eden and her daughters Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin are Culturs experts who perform Energy Minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to the Culturs TV audience. Please note the Eden Energy Medicine disclaimer by clicking here.

Check out the video below on XOTV.me!

Darth Vader Breath

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About Author

Samantha Malpiedi

Samantha Malpiedi is a columnist for Culturs and is especially interested in current issues around the world that affect people and the way they make their livelihoods. Her cultural awareness education began at age fifteen when she traveled to five different countries including parts of Europe, Mexico and Kenya and ended in her time spent living in Chile at age 21. From these experiences she developed her love for travel and the appreciation for culture. As a duo-language speaker, she thrives in environments where communication spans cultures. Never complacent to stay in one place, her articles will interest anyone that might resonate with a restless nomad, hungry for a taste of travel.

1 comment

  1. I’ve never heard of this technique before but it sounded interesting, so I decided to test it out. To be honest, I didn’t really notice any difference and comparatively taking in long, deep breaths worked better. Maybe that’s just me though, and maybe I was doing it a bit wrong. If this can help someone out though that’s great and just because I didn’t find it useful doesn’t mean someone else won’t.

    Pretty easy to follow instructional video, and at the very least it made me sound like Darth Vader, which is cool.

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