Christina Jacobson
How Barack Obama and His Life as a TCK Assisted His Presidency
We all know the United States’ 45th president, Barack Obama. However, a lot of people are unaware of his lifestyle as a boy. He spent his early childhood moving from country to country with his mother and never fully settled […]
Harry Styles: How Becoming a Third Culture Adult Inspired His Unique Persona
Harry Styles has seen the world from so many unthinkable aspects as he takes the stage of venues in over 20 different countries. As a world-famous musician, it should not come as a surprise to people that touring plays a […]
How Rihanna Has Implemented Her Success To Benefit Her Passport Country
Most of us look at Rihanna and we see her as a successful musician who has shaped the lives of many. Although this rings true, she’s also a businesswoman and a charitable individual. Rihanna’s devotion to Barbados has illustrated her […]
Keeping Up with TCKs and Immigrant Kids — PART 3 OF 3: Daniella Nietzen
As we reflect on the last two articles within this series about Madi Soler and her life as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and Susan Hsin and her life as an immigrant kid, we can begin to understand a lot […]
How Mo Farah’s Life as a TCK Led Him to Flourish in the Olympics
Background Thirty-eight-year-old Mo Farah was born in Somalia, where he lived for the first eight years of his life. He subsequently moved to Great Britain where he would grow up for the remainder of his adolescent life. The move to […]
Keeping Up With TCKs and Immigrant Kids – PART 2 OF 3: Susan Hsin
Looking back at part 1 of this series, we can see how Madi Soler’s life as a Domestic Third Culture Kid within different states in the United States affected her as a whole. As we move forward, we’re going to […]
Keeping up with TCKs and Immigrant Kids – Part 1 OF 3: Madi Soler
Unlike Madi Soler, many of us tend to grow up in the same environment until we reach adulthood and start branching out on our own. For Third Culture Kids (TCKs), we see major differences in the way they grow up. […]
TCK U.S. Politician John Kerry: How His Background Contributed to His Political Success
John Kerry’s Background: Childhood Into Adulthood John Kerry’s background has substantially influenced his career and made life as a politician more understandable. At seventy-seven years old, Kerry has certainly lived a reputable life. He grew up as a Third Culture […]