TCK Musicians in the Spotlight
There are Third Culture Kids (TCKs) today who have made it big in the music industry, and three of those musicians are Wiz Khalifa, Cristina Aguilera and Jason Wade from Lifehouse. Wiz Khalifa A U.S. rapper born in 1987 with […]
Music: It has the Power to Bring Everyone Together
Music has the power to bring anyone together. Does not matter what type of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation you are. There is no judgment, only love. It also doesn’t matter what type of music you are into because […]
Women’s International Month: TCK Women of Colorado
Two Women of Colorado, Morgan Almazan and Anjali Gopinath, are incredible TCK women who have traveled and lived somewhere other than their hometown. They have traveled across the pond to finish college in India and work for the Navy […]