military brats
Discovering U.S. Military B.R.A.T. Culture Through Art
An estimated five percent of the U.S. population grew up in a military family, but there is not one television show dedicated to its subculture. There are no academic studies or museums focusing solely on military children. There is no Military B.R.A.T. or TCK section in your local library.
celebrating Mother’s Day in a country other than your passport country
Mother’s Day is celebrated in 40 countries around the world. In every country, this day is celebrated solely for the purpose of honoring and giving appreciation to their mothers. However, it is surprisingly celebrated differently in most of these countries. […]
Must View: 5 TCK films on identity
Third Culture Kids, or TCKs, have the unique ability to connect with people all around the world from all different cultures. At a young age, TCKs are thrown into a culture that their expat parents don’t identify with and are […]
Military B.R.A.T. honors service with Pinups for Vets
Veteran’s Day serves as a reminder of those who have protected American freedoms, upheld our country’s honor and worked to keep us safe at home. As with the memorials on 9/11, It’s nice to see all the commentary, Facebook […]
Celebrity Military Brats
“Military Brat” is a name given to kids who come from a family that has moved around because they had a parent in the military. The term, “Military Brat,” has become a form of cultural identity for those children who […]