Thursday, February 13 2025

Sierrah Matthes was constantly on the move throughout her childhood and developmental years. She endured emotional and physical changes from 4-18 years old and this helped mold her into who she is today.

Being a Military B.R.A.T came with many pros and cons. From having to say many goodbyes to having the opportunity to immerse herself into different cultures, Matthes took the good with the bad during her childhood. But how did the constant moving throughout her childhood affect her after all the moving was done and she finally settled down?

Life after the Military B.R.A.T experience 

Sierrah Matthes Greeley Colorado
Photo labeled for reuse, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

After settling down in Littleton, Colo. with her grandma, Matthes attended Columbine High School. She decided to pursue a higher education within the state of Colorado. During her senior year in high school, she applied to study at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colo. Within a few months, she received her acceptance letter and for the first time in years, looked forward to the big move from Littleton to Greeley. Matthes stated that,

Sierrah Matthes at University of Colorado after the life of a Military B.R.A.T.
Photo courtesy of Sierrah Matthes 

“ My adjustment to Greely and college life was a piece of cake. I got so used to change and to adapting at that point in my life that my moving experience was vastly different from my peers.”

Sierrah Matthes

As Lizann writes in a blog titled What Military Kids Gain From All The Moves, “ Military kids who have grown up have proven that they are strong, adaptable, flexible, and very accepting of others’ differences.” Matthes is a great example of this. Because of her many moves as a child and young adult she has become more adaptable and flexible with big life changes. The move from her grandmother’s house to a dorm room was minuscule compared to a move from Virginia to Germany. Matthes mentions that with every move she made it got easier and easier to say goodbye. It also got easier to pack up her things to start a new life in a new home. 

Her Chosen Career Path

Being a Military B.R.A.T influenced the career path and major that Matthes chose for herself. With a major in criminal justice and a minor in psychology and human services, Matthes found herself drawn to people’s differences. She has always felt that she took a piece of every culture she immersed in and that is what created the woman she has become.

“Virginia and Oklahoma may be located in the same country but their cultures are vastly different. Every state I lived in… and even Germany had unique and different cultures from one another. I think each culture makes up who I am today.” 

Sierrah Matthes

Matthes was interested to know how people’s differences are represented within the criminal justice system. She gives full credit to her culturally fluid background for the major and minor that she has chosen to pursue. Rachel Napolitano touches on this subject within her article, 7 Advantages “Military Brats” Have in Life, “Traveling gives you a whole other perspective on the world and this is a skill that B.R.A.T.s can take with them in any profession.”

Matthes and Her Present Day

During her time as a Military B.R.A.T., Matthes rode on an emotional rollercoaster. She traveled to over five states and two countries while dealing with a toxic family environment. Matthes only has kind words to say about her childhood now,

Most recent picture of Sierrah Matthes
Photo courtesy of Sierrah Matthes

“I am very grateful for my childhood. I got to experience many cultures and that’s not something many people can say. No I didn’t have a good home life but, I made many wonderful memories outside of my family during this time. I wouldn’t change my military B.R.A.T childhood for anything in the world.”

Sierrah Matthes

Just as Military B.R.A.T and celebrity hairstylist, Ted Gibson, Matthes appreciates and embraces her cultural mobility. The friends that Matthes made during her short periods of time in each home have lasted through all of her moves. Many of her friends travel to visit her in Colorado, many years after she moved. Not only is Matthes a Military B.R.A.T. but she is also a Third Culture Kid and Culturally Fluid. She was influenced by every culture she lived in. Each culture combined makes up the woman she has grown into. Though Matthes went through emotional heartaches during her years as a Military B.R.A.T. she also gained valuable knowledge and relationships that has positively impacted her today.


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About Author


Brook Farley majored in Journalism and Ethnic Studies white at University. She enjoys studying and emerging herself in different cultures. Her content is relevant to readers because she acknowledges the differences between cultures but also the connections they share.

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