This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from beautiful Lithia Park in Ashland, Ore., where Culturs experts Donna Eden and her two daughters, Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin, share a crossover technique designed to help you feel better.
Donna Eden introduces this technique by offering, “When you are not feeling up to par or your energy is just a little off and you don’t feel great, you want your energies to cross over.”
Crossover pattern
This simple and effective technique is employed to help create a crossover pattern in the body’s energy systems by helping move energies from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right side of the body and vice-versa.
To begin this technique, place one of your hands on the opposite shoulder. Inhale deeply and push your fingers into the muscle with deep pressure. On an exhale, drag the fingers across the chest to the opposite hip.
Help yourself feel better
Repeat this exercise multiple times on both sides of the body. Repeat the exercise as often as needed, even multiple times per day to feel better!
When you are not feeling up to par or your energy is just a little off and you don’t feel great, you want your energies to cross over.
Eden and her daughters are Culturs experts who perform Energy Minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to the Culturs TV audience. Please note the Eden Energy Medicine disclaimer by clicking here.
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