climate change
How To Help Outdoor Recreation Adapt to Climate Change
The outdoors can play a significant role in the life of a Third Culture Kid (TCK), Cross-Cultural Kid (CCK) or anyone living a cross-cultural lifestyle. Being outside can provide an escape from the turmoil of everyday life and the community […]
The Natural World: Our Ever-Present Home — Part 1 of 3
Nature may bring a sense of familiarity to some, but it can also be ruthless. As the climate changes and the natural environment deters, the relationship between humanity and nature becomes more complicated. Climate refugees face harsh consequences. In three […]
Climate Justice: The Future is Intersectional
Asian elephants Snow leopards Black-footed ferrets Giant pandas Polar bears Human beings What do all of these have in common? They are all endangered species. Humans, of course, are not on the official endangered species list. And yet, millions of […]
Climate Change’s Impact On Cultures Around The World — Part 3
To counter climate change, one of the steps to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals incorporates “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.” These three aspects are umbrella terms used to describe what is needed for people to come together and solve […]
Climate Change’s Impact On Cultures Around The World — Part 1
There’s no doubt, the Earth’s climate has changed progressively throughout history. In fact, we owe the origins of humanity to one of these many changes. Seven thousand years ago, there was a shift from what was an ice age, to […]
Climate Change and Cultural Cooperation
Climate change is a hotly debated global topic, which is expected to impact poor and low income nations first, and will eventually affect every nation. While this issue is largely in the hands of wealthy nations and the UN, it […]
Humanity’s Effect on Global Warming — Part 2 of 2
The time is past when humankind thought it could selfishly draw on exhaustible resources. We know now the world is not a commodity. French President Francois Hollande The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes more than 1,300 scientists […]
Poor Nations Suffer Most at Hands of Climate Change
September of 2017 will go down in history as a horrific month of natural catastrophes. Severe rains and a small cyclone in Zimbabwe killed 117 people, China was hit by severe flooding that killed at least 144, followed by more […]