third culture kid
A “Fancy” new australian celebrity: Iggy Azalea
She is so fancy, and you probably already know. Iggy Azalea is a hip-hop artist from Australia who is rocking the charts with her debut album, “The New Classic.” Amethyst Amelia Kelly, known by her stage name “Iggy Azalea,” was […]
Being Comfortable with You
Body image is a major issue for many women. We tend to be our own worst critics when it comes to identifying what’s wrong with our bodies. Learning to love who you are and being comfortable in the skin you’re […]
Facing Rejection
As a plus-size woman I’ve grown accustomed to being rejected because of my physical appearance. I’ve always been a big girl, so this issue is pretty moot with me on most days. However, once I decided to step out of […]
TCKid: Building Cross Cultural Bridges
TCKid is a home for Third Culture Kids (TCKs) of all ages At its heart, TCKid is a not-for-profit organization that serves the community of third culture kids (TCKs) adult and youth and those who serve this community. TCKid’s mission […]
What is a Third Culture Kid?
When we refer to ourselves as a TCK, the people listening to us could give us a confused look. So for those with the confused look, what is a TCK? TCK is an abbreviation of the term Third Culture Kid, […]