Media coverage
The journey to understanding ones identity: “The Road Home”
“Indian!” “Indian!” the kids shouted at him in Hindi as he stood in frustration trying to understand why this was happening. As a young kid, Pico grew up with many challenges, and as a third culture kid he lived in […]
Part 1 of 3: Living More Authentically
There are many ways to define authenticity, according to Merriam- Webster to be authentic is to be worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact. Sometimes definitions can truly limit the full capacity of which a […]
Human Rights Cinema Part 1: The World’s First Human Rights Festival
Envision a collection of images quickly flashing before your eyes that is emotionally riveting, tear-inducing, action-inciting, and most of all, thought-provoking. Enter the world of human rights cinema. The New York Human Rights Watch International Film Festival in 1988 […]
VISUAL: New York Fashion Week vs. Paris Fashion Week
New York Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week both have influenced the fashion industry trends in different ways. Paris has historically been the “cradle” of the fashion industry even though New York Fashion week was established first. New York Fashion […]
The TCK Tribe: Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Found Again
I recently returned from one of the most affirming experiences I have ever had. I was privileged enough to attend the Families in Global Transitions (FIGT) conference this March. Started by the ever-glowing light of TCKdom, Ruth Van Reken and […]
March is Endometriosis Month. You may have heard this somewhere before but not quite sure what it is really. You may hear it being described as ”bad cramps”. Sometimes, it is the simplest way we can find to describe it, […]
VIDEO: Hollywood Stars on Diversity #OscarsSoWhite
The #OscarsSoWhite message is loud and clear: Yet again, celebrities ask – “Why isn’t the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences inclusive of all its members?” In preparation for this year’s Academy Awards ceremony on Feb. 28, CultursTV Correspondent […]
Represent CULTURS at the FIGT Conference in Amsterdam March 10-12!
CULTURS Global Lifestyle Network is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the upcoming Families in Global Transition Conference at de Bazel in the Netherlands this March! Five of our CULTURS experts and Colorado State University Family are invited to […]