Media coverage
How Tayo Rockson Uses TCK-ness to Uncover Identity
We learned so much from Adele Johnson in our previous article. She was open about her life and where she is now. Our next subject in the series is someone who has taken cultural experiences to a whole new level. […]
SERIES, PART III OF III – Love & Ohana: The Story of an Unstoppable Cross-Cultured Family
Parts one and two of this family-based series explored the lives of Rasha Pecoraro and Yvette Gentile, the two daughters of Fauna Hodel. Hodel was born in 1951 to a prominent white family in California. Before birth, Hodel was bargained […]
The Impact of Repealing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in the United States
Since the inauguration of Donald Trump in November 2016, immigrants and refugees in the United States have been treated significantly different. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a U.S. immigration policy created by former president Barack Obama that, despite their […]
U.S. society still struggles to accept diversity
In the wake of continued police violence, racial and cultural discrimination and acts of hatred in the United States, schools across the country have sought to create a more inclusive culture on campus. Colorado State University prides itself on its […]
British-born Pakistani actor Riz Ahmed on challenging the world of film
Our world is diverse. Even though we all come from various cultures, races, ethnicities and religions, we have so much in common as humans. However, many people remain immobile and continue to live within their own culture and not venture […]
Priyonka Chopra: Life advocacy and influence part two
The previous article about Priyanka Chopra focused mainly on her commitment to change the way society looks at a variety of social issues. A big part of what seeded this drive to change the lives of others and taking risks […]
Part 2 of 3: Brené Brown’s 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living
Brené Brown discusses on her website, that through her research and the participants she studied, she forged a new path that ultimately defined her career and her life. “When I first realized and resented the importance of embracing vulnerability and […]
Priyonka Chopra: Life advocacy and influence part one
Growing up as a third culture kid (TCK) enhances one’s cultural awareness, in addition to providing one with unique experiences and opportunities. A TCK is a person who is raised in a culture other than their parents, an example being […]