National nomads
United by culture: the globally mobile community
The Culturs Global Multicultural Magazine celebrated the unveiling of its third print edition during its Launch Party on October 15, 2018, in Denver, Colorado. With countless globally mobile guests with hidden diversity, the room was filled with an in-between population. […]
Global Multicultural Superheroes for a New Century
How a Military B.R.A.T. TCK, A CCK and multi-racial Domestic TCK are Changing the Face of Hidden Identity. Just by the nature of who they are, culturally fluid people break barriers. Christopher Ikpoh, Steffon Thomas and Jojo Santiago-Febo are no […]
Andrea Bazoin on Raising Globally-Minded Future Citizens
258 million people living outside their birth country “There are now an estimated 258 million people living in a country other than their country of birth — an increase of 49% since 2000 — according to new figures released by […]
Poor Nations Suffer Most at Hands of Climate Change
September of 2017 will go down in history as a horrific month of natural catastrophes. Severe rains and a small cyclone in Zimbabwe killed 117 people, China was hit by severe flooding that killed at least 144, followed by more […]
Introducing TCK Myra Dumapias
Second-generation third-culture-kid (TCK) Myra Dumapias freezes up a bit when asked the basic question: “Where are you from?” What is she supposed to tell people? Though she now lives in San Antonio, Texas, should she list off every country she’s lived in to every […]
Series – Part 3 of 3: Culture Without Boundaries
Throughout this three part series, you will see Pamela Blattner’s journey from ignoring her Peruvian heritage to becoming confident as a blended Latina. First, in part one, you explored her upbringing where she tried to fit into the molds of […]
Ruth Van Reken: The Power of Passion
Global diversity and all its surrounding divisions, classifications, misconceptions, struggles, ideas and linking factors have never been more complicated to define. However, Ruth Van Reken, co-founder of Families in Global Transition (FIGT) and co-author of “Third Culture Kids: Growing Up […]
The journey to understanding ones identity: “The Road Home”
“Indian!” “Indian!” the kids shouted at him in Hindi as he stood in frustration trying to understand why this was happening. As a young kid, Pico grew up with many challenges, and as a third culture kid he lived in […]