VIDEO: CULTURScelebrates! the community kitchen, Theme – Kenya
CultursCELEBRATES! is a community kitchen and global gathering that celebrates the food and traditions of cultures around the world. We supplement our global gathering by creating an easy-to-follow kit that provides everything you need to throw your own cultural-themed celebration […]
Giving Thanks in more than one way: How Thanksgivings of other cultures are celebrated and shown in the media
Many different countries and cultures have different ways to give thanks and celebrate their country’s versions of thanksgiving. With the United States having their Thanksgiving coming up we are going to look at how other cultures celebrate their Thanksgivings and […]
Different Countries, Different Cultures, Different Thanksgiving Celebrations
For some people, the most special way to celebrate the holidays is in the comfort of their own home. For others, traveling the world and experiencing the holiday in different cities, states, or countries is what makes for a special […]
Celebrating new years and traditions around the globe
The New Year is a celebration for most countries all around the world. Traveling for new years and learning about all of the different kinds of traditions that this planet has to offer is one way to see the world […]
Healthy Food tips for the holidays: Japan, Germany and the United States
It’s that time of the year again. With holidays just around the corner so are those winter pounds. Do you want to gain them? If your answer to that question was no, here are some ways to stay healthy throughout […]
TCK EXPLORE: Find a Musical Festival that fits YOU
TCK EXPLORE gives advice on great ways for TCKs to find friends no matter where you are. Musical festival season is officially upon us in the Northern Hemisphere! The weather has changed towards spring time and with the longer days […]
VISUAL: The Real Cinco de Mayo
If you went up to someone having lunch and asked them what Cinco de Mayo meant, I am sure they would tell you it is Mexico’s independence day. Many people tend to believe it is about Mexico’s independence, when instead […]
SERIES: Part 1of 3 – Vanquish the TCK Blues: Overcoming Loneliness
As a Third Culture Kid (TCK), you understand sometimes feelings of sadness and isolation need to be dealt with because of your mobile lifestyle. Having to adapt to new cultures and environments sometimes leads to moments uncertainty about our own identities […]